Let’s get more leads for your business using YouTube ads!

Each promotional channel has its own peculiarities in terms of business. Some product categories perform better in context advertising, others on Instagram. YouTube itself can’t be used for direct sales – but it’s a really good place to find quality leads.

To achieve success, you need a promotion strategy – as well as understanding how the YouTube advertising cabinet works. That’s why you should consider finding a partner with relevant experience. We spent a lot of time launching promotion campaigns on YouTube. And we’re here to help.

The steps of performance campaign:

  • We define our target audience and divide it into segments, compiling their portraits and interests
  • We develop a 360º communication strategy, covering competitors' activity, our ecosystem options, possible paths to purchase, choice of promotion tools and formats, budget split policy etc.
  • We come up with ads for each audience segment (wording and visuals for all necessary formats and sizes)
  • We set up the analytical tools to evaluate the campaign’s effect
  • We launch a campaign on the test budget. Next, we analyze the test results and correct the placement plan or creative content if needed
  • We start a full-scale 360º campaign

So why make a promotion campaign on YouTube with us?

  • We have major experience both with the creative and technical sides of performance
  • We make communication strategies that really work due to a proper combination of tools and channels
  • We can elaborate your landing pages ourselves for better performance
  • We know which types of formats and messages work best at different stages of the client’s path to purchase
  • You can rely on us – both in terms of time and quality
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